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Friday, July 24, 2009

Tutorial - Creating/Saving Presets

Skill Level Needed: Novice

The following video and text walkthrough applies you Fruity Loop Studio 8 XXL Producer's Ed.

Open the VST you wish to Create/Save a preset in. This VST can be an effect or a generator, this works for either one. Once you have the sound or effect you want click the arrow on the top left corner of your VST (click the lower arrow if your VST did not come with FL Studio - the arrow next to the name of the VST). Scroll down to "Save Preset As...", name your preset and then "Save". I recomend using the default location as the location to save your newly made preset(s). A very helpful thing is music production is keeping organized and knowing where everything is at all times.

To learn how to save Mixer Track Presets go to:

Tutorial - Changing The Time Signature

Skill Level Needed: Novice

The following video and text walkthrough applies to Fruity Loop Studio 8 XXL Producer's Ed.

To Change the Time Signature of your current project go to "View Project Info" located at the top of your FL Studio window. Go to "General" located in the side bar of the new pop-up window and at the top you will see "Time Signature". The default is 4:4 (Bar 4:Beat 4) You can then click on the number you want to change and move your mouse up or down to change it to the number you want.

Tutorial - Saving/Creating Mixer Track States/Presets

Skill Level Needed: Moderate

The following video and text walkthrough applies to Fruity Loop Studio 8 XXL Producer's Ed.

Open the Mixer and select the Mixer track that you want to create a track state for or save one you have already created. Once your Mixer track is built to the way you want it, right click on that mixer track, go to "File" then "Save Mixer Track State". That's all!

To access your Mixer Track presets or the ones FL Studio has built in right click on the track you want and go to "File" then "Open Mixer Track State".

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tutorial - Adding More Folders To The Browser

Skill Level Needed: Novice

The following video and text walkthrough applies to Fruity Loop Studio 8 XXL Producer's Ed.

After opening FL Studio click on the "View Project Info" button on the top of your screen. Next click "System" on the top right corner of the new screen that popped up. Now click on the "File" button located at the bottom of the 4 thumbnails along the left side of the current window.

Now you should see "Browser Extra Search Folders" close to the top of the current window. Simply click on any folder icon in the table below and then search your computer for the folder you would like to add to the browser. Now that you have chosen the folder you want displayed in the browser you can rename it on this same screen to something that will make it easy to remember the contents within that folder. Exit the window.

OH NO! It's not in my browser! Easy fix, click the "Re-read structure" button located at the top of your browser. It kind of looks like a refresh button. It is the last button on the right of the top of the browser (NOT THE X).

How To Get FL Studio 8

There are multiple ways to get your hands on Fruity Loop Studios 8. The best and safest way is to buy officially from Image-Lines website or download the free demo ( There are also a couple of not so safe and not so legal ways to get this program. I say these ways are not safe because many of them contain viruses and keylogging software. PLUS you are ripping off the great company that made this program.

BUT, if you insist on getting this program for free there are a few resources on how to safely go about doing this. NOTE: This is still illegal and not all that safe. Again, please reguard this article as a warning.

For more information you can check out this download I found while searching the web:

Tutorial - Adding Extra Plug-Ins To The Plug-In Picker/Browser

Skill Level Needed: Novice/Moderate

The following video and text walkthrough applies to Fruity Loop Studio 8 XXL Producer's Ed.

Start by opening to VST you want to add to the Plug-In Picker/Browser in FL Studios. Now in your browser scroll down to "Plugin Database". Depending on whether your VST is an effect or generator click the appropriate folder. Now you have to choose what type of effect or generator your new VST is. All the different types are listed inside the folder you clicked on. In each catagory of generator/effect there are multiple sub-catagories you can choose to have your VST labeled under, OR you can simply have it labeled under the main catagory.

Once you locate and open the folder where you want the new VST to be incorperated in to click on the top left arrow next to the header "Fruity Wrapper". NOT the arrow next to actual VST name. Now click "Add to plugin database" in that drop down menu and your done! You have successfully added your new VST to your Browser AND Plug-In Picker.

Tutorial - The Plug-In Picker

Skill Level Needed: Novice

The following video and text walkthough applies to Fruity Loop Studio 8 XXL Producer's Ed.

This is an extremely basic tutorial for very new users to FL Studios.

Using the plug-in picker makes writing music in FL Studios a lot faster then adding the new channel manually from the "Channels" drop down menu at the top of the screen. The plug-in picker will also display a thumbnail of each plug-in registered in FL Studio's database. To open the plug-in picker simply type "Ctrl + F8" on your keyboard, or you can also click on the "View" dropdown menu at the top and then click "Plug-In Picker". To exit the Plug-In Picker hit "Esc" on your keyboard.

For a tutorial on how to add new VST's to the plug-in picker and browser click the lick below:

What is Fruity Loop Studios?

The exact quote from Image-Line's website is: "FL Studio is a Digital Audio Workstation for PC's and Mac's. FL Studio is most complete virtual studio currently available [This is Very, Very True]. It will play any sample file you can feed it [Also Very, Very True]." FL Studio is extremely compatible with every other Sequencer in the business including some big names like Reason, Albeton, Digital Performer and more. And by far, My Favorite! Fl Studio features everything you need to make a quick fresh beat, fool around, produce the new greatest hit, and master songs. FL Studio XXL comes with over 40 built in generators for sounds and effects. That's Nuts! And each generator is top-of-the-line for extremely professional use. With FL Studio you can produce a professional sound from any musical genre be it Techno, Jazz, Hiphop, Hardcore, or Rock. This program does it all. If it doing it all isn't enough for you, you can download VST's from all over the Internet. ANY VST can work inside FL Studio.

FL Studio comes standard with a large variety of synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, and effects all at your disposal. Here is a list of some of Image-Lines famous products you have heard of before that FL Studios offers: Toxic BioHazard, Sytrus, Slayer, FPC, DX10, SynthMaker, PioZone, AutoGun, ReWired.

For a more In-Depth overview of what FL Studio has to offer go to it's official Website at: .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Welcome To The Fruity Loop Studios Help Center

Whether you have a quick question, or have no clue what is going on, or you just got a new VST and you need a little help, or you would like to simply contribute what you know, this is the place for you! In this blog you will be able to find everything from Video tutorials to Text tutorials to Walkthoughs. And don't be afraid to post a question either.

I do not exaggerate even the slightest bit when I say this is your one stop shop for everything Fruity Loop Studios and Fruity Loop Studios Related. This blogs main focus will be Fruity Loop Studios 8 XXL Producers Edition.

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